Beauty & Repulsion Cont…… (beauty)

This first artist I relate to beauty, Carleen Sheehan. While the slideshow was going through, this one caught my attention right away. If you look at the image, Conveyer, you can have your own definition of it. Is it just abstract? At first glanceI thought it was. Then when I really looked at it, it was so much more. It looks as if an upper level of a building is slowly falling apart…could this have meaning? Possibly her world looks as if it’s all together…untill something goes wrong and it all falls apart. Who knows?

This second link, I believe to be repulsion. This artist, Jenny Keane, definitely has her own style. Like I said, it’s like a car crash…tough to look at. But you cannot look away! This particular image, Documentation of ‘Psycho’ , is definitely one I will remember…Not quite sure what it means, or what it’s suppose to portray. It’s hard to know. But this is one that I relate to repulsion.

Beauty &Repulsion

Beauty: To me, beauty is in the eye of the  beholder. Something I may see and think is beautiful, but to another person, it may be repulsion. Beauty can be abstract, or an actual object. It all depends on the whoever is “seeing” the beauty. Beauty can be art work, something expressive that can almost speak to you. With art work, everyone sees it differently and has different definitions.

Repulsion: Has to be something that not necessarily makes you cringe, but it’s something that affects a car crash. Its so hard to look at, but you cant seem to look away. Or it can simply be something that you cant even look at. Take food for instance, you may not like a certain food, the taste, or the smell.