
What is your chosen craft?

My craft that I have decided to choose is woodworking. As simple as this may sound, it’s elegance and simplicity always seem to catch my eye.

Why did you choose this craft

I chose this craft based on how I will draw this specific craft. To get your wood you must start with a tree, and you must chop this tree down in order to get your wood. You must process you must go through just to get your wood to begin carving. You now have a raw piece of wood, that you must create a masterpiece with. Whether it’s a bowl, or a structure. It will always be beautiful. I could draw the process, starting with the tree, then the raw wood with the tools used, and the final product.

What is the historical significance of this craft?

It wasn’t always just a craft, it was a necessity. People had to build their own furniture, they couldn’t just buy it in a store. No one saw it as an art form, they just saw it as a bed, or a chair. It has become an art, and people  can really appreciate it.

The cultural Significance of this craft?

It helps with patients, relaxes, and shows a person to be very patient in their work. This was something that was often used in the middle ages, and will forever be used. It hasn’t always been seen as an art, some wood work is functionable and some isn’t .

Science&Technology…what does the world have to offer now?

I chose an article about shampoos and common household cleaners can create a cancer-causing substance when mixed in U.S. Wastewater treatments. Nitrosamines.

They way this article affected my life was really not too life changing, but it definitely caused me to shake my head once again, and say to my self, everything causes cancer. If not one thing, it’ll be another. The chair you’re sitting in can cause butt cancer for all we know. The more science and technology is expanding, the more we find out, and the more people take caution.

This article can simply affect my community by warning them what is out there, when things interact, what they cause. Buy Bottled water maybe? I’m not sure if this is a warning, or another article about how everything you use will cause cancer.

With out science or technology, we certainly wouldn’t be wear we are today as a society. Technology is everywhere, in your cars, you’re phones, heck even shoes. Everything we use relates back to technology and where would we be with out science? With all the diseases today, especially cancer, people wouldn’t even have a chance. It’s unbelievable what they can do for people now a days, especially with cancer treatment. Not only do they have Chemotherapy, but there are many different hybrids of chemotherapy, radiation, herbal treatments, and surgery. How would one be able to beat cancer with out science or technology? It’s simple, they probably wouldn’t. No, no one has figured out the cure to cancer, but people have certainly beat it, and with the technology and science, chances of one beating a horrible thing like cancer are a lot higher than with out it.

Johan Gelper is who I chose on the Drawing Center’s website. His work was expressive, and simple. I would like to be able to create something meaningful, and simple, all at once. I would like to represent the human body, the body parts, and what cancer can affect in the body.


Commodities and Circulation

Who owns art?

If you were to really think about it, is the “artist” who created the work own it? If you purchase a piece of work, do you, the buyer, own it? I believe that if you are creating personal art work, that has never been done, you, the artist, own it. It can be looked at in a totally different way as well, if you interpret art you can own it. Art is open for interpretation, and can be discussed daily. As you’re discussing someone else’s work, maybe you are becoming the owner, the owner of you’re opionion towards the work.

Does art lose value if it’s given away?

No, it doesn’t, It becomes more of a value to that person that took it. If that person didn’t want it, then they wouldn’t have taken it. It must have meant something to them. If you offer your work for free and people want it, then it becomes more valuable in a way because that person liked it enough to want it. Just because art has a price tag on it, doesn’t mean its worth more than someone elses work.

Why does Gonzalez-Torres give away his art?

I believe that he wanted everyone to be apart of his work, and basically get his work out there. It created convesation and discussion. I’m sure many people asked questions, and I believe that’s exactly what he wanted.


I consider it to be artwork in a way, yes. It took specific planning and he chose specific places to place this plastic paraSITE. It caused a discussion, and many people stopped to look at it. Anything that can be discussed, the meaning that is, can be considered art work.

Dewit Petros:

His work was formed from all over the world, and from different views. His work may mean one thing to you, but have a completely different meaning to someone else, and I believe that’s what he wanted. He said, “art is an invitation for conversation.”


A place that brings positive memories….this would have to be my home, back in Wray. Although there were some negative memories here, this is the one place I could go for support, 24/7. My family has been there for me through it all, and they are the ones who take care of me. My home is where I can spend the most, relaxed, time with my family. Specific moments that were positive are just when my mom and I are sitting in our family room watching tv and talking, sometimes we laugh until we cry, and sometimes we just cry. Always ending on a good note.

A place that makes me stressed, would probably be school. Or lets just say the college campus…it could be a beautiful day as I’m walking through the quad, but all I’m ever thinking about is what I need to get done, when it needs to be done, and how it needs to be done. It’s a constant worry for me, because I want to be able to succeed through out college, and that makes it a very stressful environment.

A place that identifies me…? I come from a farming comunity, and a family of farming history. So, if I were to pick one particular place that identifies me…it’d have to be a field. Haha, its where I grew up, and where I can spend time with my dad.. I spend a lot of time thinking in fields, the long hours of wheat harvest you have a lot of time to think and re-evaluate things. Not to sound like a hick, but it does, in a way, represent me. It’s who I am, where I came from, and I’ll stay true to it.

My 24 hour period: I usually wake up around 8 every morning to get ready for class, on this particular day. I woke up, showered, aet a little breakfast and I was off to class. Wednesday is my “busy” day, with three classes, so I have no time to “crunch” in homework in between classes. My first class is at 9:30, then I have one at 10:30, I have an hour break between classes, and I start then my 1:30 class. Once my classes are over for the day, which is at 2:20, I come home and do homework. So it is often a never ending process with me. There’s always something that needs to be done…projects, homework… Once my homework is finished, or atleast started. I eventually take a break. Have a snack..and lay down. I often catch myself watching a great amount of tv when I have nothing else to do. My roommate made some dinner, so I go out, eat, then find myself in front of my computer or tv. Once 10:00 o’clock rolls around I decide to lay down, watch a movie and try to drift off to sleep. Of course, two and a half hours later, I’m asleep. After a night of tossing and turning, I wake up around 8, throw my hat on, and go to my “early” class at 9. An hour and fifteen minute lecture class that goes the whole time is not a good class for me to have in the morning. My attention span is not long enough for a boring class like that. I make it through what seems like hours, and come back to my house to shower and eat some lunch, which is carrots. I go to my 12:00 class and get out around 2:30, I came home, turned on the tv, and “took a nice break”. Waited for dinner, where my roommates and I went out to eat, and then came home to finish up some algebra homework. My life is simply a cycle, somedays I forget what day it is.

I chose,Patrick Earl Hammie. The reason his work stuck out to me the most, was mainly for his first drawings of the man on the platform. It looks as if the man is stuck. My concept will be stuck in time. His style is realistic, which I like and often try to do, in the drawing of the men on the platform, it really kind of speaks to me. In a sense that, unless that man jumps, he is going no where. I’m not sure that this really shows time..but no one knows how long he was really there.