
As I began this installation, I questioned everything about it. It was the first time I have ever tried an installation. I’ve never had to do installations before, so I looked up the definition and did some research. Installation means something that has changed the space. With the space I had to work with it was rather hard. Changing the space was rather difficult, and I would have liked to make it more intimidating, afterall…it is a shark. What is the context of this installation one might ask? Well, it’s simple its a shark eating a person, but what if I told you it could be read as so much more..would you believe me? Some might say no, but the answer is within the drawing. The shark, to me, represents life, if you’re not careful it can swallow you whole. During the duration I was working on this piece I just kept thinking,…why must some days in life be so harsh. In many ways it swallows me whole, then decides to spit me back out for round 43. You never know what you have coming at you, so be prepared. Whether its a shark, a train, or an exam, you can’t avoid some things in life.

Like I said, I’ve never done an installation before, so I probably took the more generic view. Slap some objects in there you can touch…Yeah. It’s not the best idea, but like I said it was my first time dabbling into this kind of art work, I’m used to 2D planes.

I’d say the strengths of this piece would be the drawing itself, I could have pushed it further, but really I was just playing with the materials. The weakness of this piece is definitely the fact that I tried to hard to make it an installation by just throwing some shoes in there.

I’m hoping to get better through out the semester, and whatever life throws at me, I know to just roll with the punches and try not to get swallowed whole!