48 Hours


What to log for hours was the question… How much do I drink in 48hours? I realized I didn’t drink as much as I thought, and I learned that buying in bulk really does save you money. Each item was broken down and priced separately, making this installation more of a science project, which will be expanded for the final project.

Structures and Boundaries

“What has made me”

Through the years I have truly seen the blessings in my life, and that mainly revolves around my family. Naturally when I heard the topic “Structure and Boundaries” I immediately thought of the structure I had growing up, if it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t be here today attending school.

I have done the outline of my self, that’s the boundary, within me you see all the “objects” that have made me. Each represent family, more emphasized on my parents. I wanted to show each object being strong and positive. Below me, you see a “mat” that I am standing on. These are the negative things that have happened in my life that I don’t necessarily want to talk about, but they have still made me who I am today.

What makes this an installation?
Well…it’s HUGE! It’s the largest drawing I have ever done, and I beleive that it really draws people in. I have mounted it and hung it so it hovers over the top of the “mat” I am standing on.

It seems to me that all the pieces I do have some sort of emotional background, in which I always try to emphasize, this project was a great way to honor my background and show the strength I have due to the structures and boundaries I have had through out my life!